
Below you will find instructions on how to properly use and handle various items found here on

Hex Base

Here is a video demonstrating how to properly use the Hex Base and its modular peg system

Hex Base 2

Here is a video demonstrating how to properly use the Hex Base 2 and its modular peg system

G4 Flight Stand Adapter

Here are the instructions for installing the G4 Flight Stand Adapter


Download the Unibase instruction sheet


Download the M-Base instruction sheet

Cosmic Flight Stand Adapter v2

Here's a brief video showing how to properly attach the cosmic flight stand adapter to a Hasbro marvel legends silver surfer board.

Step 1 - place one side of the board across the inside of one side of the support arms on the adapter.

Step 2 - Make sure that the board is aligned straight with the adapter and one side is against the inside of the support arms as shown in the video.

Step 3 - gently push down on the other side of the board until it clicks into place between the support arms. The adapter should now be firmly attached to the board.

To remove the adapter, gently pull up on one side of the board while also pushing away on the tops of the support arms on the same side of the board. You want to fully support both the adapter and the board while doing this so that one doesn't go flying off. Extreme force is not necessary, this can be done with gentle application of pressure.

The Claw Kit Sets

Here is a video going over the proper safe handling and installation of the Claw Kit upgrade kits

G1 Flight Stand Adapter

Here is a video going over the use instructions for the G1 Flight Stand Adapter

G2 Flight Stand Adapter

Here is a video going over the use instructions for the G2 Flight Stand Adapter